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Proyek EPC Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi

Project Cases
PT Rekayasa Industri membangun 60% dari seluruh pembangkit listrik panas bumi di Indonesia. Selalu terdapat hal spesifik dan unik dalam setiap Pekerjaan EPC – Pengembangan Panas Bumi di Indonesia.
Materi ini dikumpulkan dari beberapa dokumen proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (Geothermal Powerl Plant) yang dikerjakan oleh PT Rekayasa Industri yaitu :
- Proposal Stage of Lumut Balai Project
- Project Execution of Lahendong Unit-5 & 6
- Project Execution of Muara Laboh Project
- Project Execution of Rantau Dedap Project
Skema EPC
SteamfieldPower PlantUtility, Electrical, & SwitchyardTransmission
Full EPC
- Power Island
- OPSI 1 : E & P by Penyedia Teknologi (sebagai Partner atau Vendor) > Performance Guarantee
- OPSI 2 : Full EPC sebagai Kontraktor Tunggal >Performance Guarantee
Full EPC
Full EPC
Power Island Scope
- Resources (Engineering – Manpower Load)
- Schedule Proposal Development
- Competitiveness (Akurasi Price)
Critical Path, Typical Project

Durasi Proyek
Durasi proyek ditentukan oleh:
Kapasitas PembangkitScopeLokasi ProyekKondisi LahanTipe Pemilik Proyek
Diluar normal scope (Steamfield, Power Plant, Switchyard/Transmission):
o Infrastrucure (Jembatan, Jalan, etc.)
o Wellpad
o Infrastrucure (Jembatan, Jalan, etc.)
o Wellpad
Remote area menambah waktu mobilisasi dan logistic, serta meningkatkan resiko sosial
o Lahan tidak rata (perbukitan/lereng gunung), akan menambah waktu buat cut & fill, export import tanah, soil improvement, etc.
o Tipe tanah
o Tipe tanah
Penyesuaian kultur kerja, khususnya client asing
KEY Milestone
- Site Handover (M-0) Wellpad (as required)
- Geothermal Energy (Steam) Availability (M-19)
- Backfeeding (M-21)
- Plant Start-Up/Initial SYNCHRONIZATION (M-22,5)
- COD / Completion (M-24)
- Mobilisasi Civil Sub-Contractor (M-6)
- Cooling Tower (13 Months Concrete Type, 10 Months FRP Type)
- Steel Structure (M-12 at Site)
- Overhead Crane (M-14 at Site)
- Condensor (M-15 at Site)
- STG & Hotwell Pump (M-16 at Site)
Construction Issues
Remote & Isolated Area
ConditionHuman ResourcesLow ProductivityMinimum InfrastructureHigh CostSocial Aspect
- Mountain Area, Steep
- High Rainfall, Foggy, Cold/Humid
- Conservation Area
- Far from Sea Port & Air Port
- Non-Industrial Community Area
- Minimum Infrastructure
- Limited Local Skilled Worker
- High Worker Turnover
- Medical Issues
- Limited Local Resources
- Climatic Condition
- Delivery Time
- Permits
- Access Road
- Public Facilities
- Communication Network
- Working Method
- Delivery / Transportation Method
- Access Road Maintenance
- Logistic & Accommodation
- Mobilization / Demobilization Cost
- Weather Downtime
- Worker Compensation/Allowances
- Social Compensation
- Monopoly / Cartel
- Limited Local Resources
- Access Road Blockage
- Land Ownership
- Sand/Agregat Supply
- Monopoly/Cartel
Unforeseen Condition
- Geotechnical : Foundation design and slope stability issues
- Weather : Rainy season troughout the year, and strong winds
- Access Road : Community blockage, landslide issues, and road maintenance